Outspoken & The Essence #Zimbabwe

Outspoken & The Essence Present: The Slave Master’s Whip

Outspoken Tha Humble Neophyte, lyrical wordsmith, cultural activist, and community organizer has been at the forefront of Zimbabwe's hip-hop movement, as made evident through his freshly dropped single 'The Slave Master's Whip.'

This track is an introduction to Outspoken & The Essence and the group's own interpretation of hip-hop. It is a conversation starter to the double album release, which will come out on May 16 (2013). The track speaks on rapper Outspoken's influences growing up and where his focus remains today. 'The SlaveMasters Whip' represents the duality of taking control of his own future, but in doing so, inevitably having that future control him; drive and determination thus becoming his own master.

Outspoken & The Essence is a Afro Rhythm inspired hip-hop band with Outspoken as a Poet/Emcee frontman who manipulates his voice as another dimension to the instrumentation (which is really just a fancy way of saying that he also sings on most of the tracks…). The band consists of Drum, Bass Guitar, Lead Guitar, Sparse Violin and Horns and Vocalists. Since being formed in 2007, the group has performed in many festivals in Southern Africa. Frontman Outspoken has also travelled elsewhere in Africa, Europe and the United States performing and workshopping on spoken word.

Check out 'The Slave Master's Whip' video here: http://vimeo.com/54618274

Artist: Outspoken & The Essence (Zimbabwe)
Song: The Slave Master's Whip
Album: Uncool and Overrated: God Before Anything (Release date: May 16, 2013)
Video Producer: Nomadic Wax
Director/DP: Jonathan Weisburst
Assistant Camera: Robin Margolis
Editor: Magee
Shoot Location: NYC

For more information on Zimbabwe's pulsating hip-hop scene, check out Nomadic Wax's audio documentary Live From Zimbabwe, featuring some of the countries finest talent.